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The Surveyor's Eyes: Mapping Empire in the Era of the American Revolution | Max Edelson
The Surveyor's Eye: Topographic Mapping & the Contest for Empire in 18th-Century British America
186 Max Edelson, The New Map of the British Empire
Virginia’s Proclamation Line: Mapping the Frontier in the Era of the American Revolution
Mapping the Georgian world: global power and maps in the reign of George III
Drayton Hall Distinguished Speakers - April 17, 2014 - Dr. S. Max Edelson
Visualizing the Southern Frontie - Max Edelson
The Southern Frontier in the American Revolution
Spain in the American Revolution | Kathleen DuVal
Was the American Revolution Inevitable?
Mudflooders Perspective of the History of Bird’s Eye View Maps and the Mapmakers LONG VERSION
Episode 7: The Divide